The Seylar Elementary Home and School Association is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, and our school principal. Our Mission is to assist in creating a strong inclusive environment for our children that is filled with positivity, school spirit and pride. It is a cooperative effort between administrators, teachers, staff and our Seylar families.
We provide financial assistance, new playground equipment, organize social events, hold assemblies, host extracurricular educational programs and create a strong volunteer network. We have various fundraisers throughout the year, with the Race for Education being one of our largest. In between we hold several family events as a way to meet and socialize with other Seylar families. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization relying solely on donations and Seylar family volunteers.
​All of the efforts of the HSA require the help of many hands. We welcome and encourage you to get involved in any way possible, as you are automatically a part of the HSA by just being a Seylar family. Whether on site at school, or from your home, there are many ways to volunteer. Our meetings are held on a scheduled basis, but the board members are available at any time to listen to your suggestions and ideas.
​On our website, you will find plentiful information about upcoming events, be able to access the school directory anywhere, download forms, purchase tickets, make suggestions, and more.